Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Day We've Been Working For!

Just a quick update before we Delegates have to be at the Pepsi Center for tonight's Convention session. The call time is 3:30 p.m. (Mountain Time).

What's so special about today? In just a few hours, the official roll call of the 2008 Democratic National Convention will be taken -- and I'll have the honor of casting my vote as an American, as Alma and Grady's and Thelma and Thad's granddaughter, and as Dorothy and Clarence's daughter -- for Barack Obama as the Democratic Nominee for President of the United States.

I'll make today's vote AND my vote on November 4 in memory of Thelma Louise Vickers, Ronald H. Brown and Congresswoman Barbara Jordan, and in honor of Dorothy Vickers-Shelley.

Who will YOU honor with your vote?


Anonymous said...

Dana: Today's roll call and FINAL nomination of Barack Obama as the Democratic Nominee for President was more emotional for me than I thought it would be. I did cry and would have danced if my foot had allowed it. I can only imagine the feel of energy and excitement in the convention hall. We are all so proud of you representing us at the convention. This was the day we have been waiting and working for and you are so blessed to be a Delegate to this historic convention.

Anonymous said...

With my vote, I'll honor Thad and Thelma Vickers.

Unknown said...

dana you are sooo 21st century. i'm in awe! i want to hear more about your adventures when you're back in town!

Audstar77 said...

Dana Dane --

You ARE so 21st century (I like that Elizabeth)! I was so happy to be able to text back and forth the past few nights -- made me feel like I was there (almost).

Keep representin' my sistah! What an amazing, amazing moment in history -- and YOU ARE THERE!!

Carole -- I am sending a hug your way and hope you're feelin better. Want any visits?

Anonymous said...

Dana Louise... My pride and gratitude for all you have accomplished grows daily. I keep seeing you and you mom in the audience and more and more how much you resemble her in your commitment to social justice. You are quite q wonderful lady and I will share it with your mom at dinner tonite. These times are momentous and dangerous but necessary and inevitable and I am grateful to bear witness; for all of the friends, relatives, students, neighbors no longer with us I thank you. with all mu love and admiration. See you soon.

Unknown said...

How exciting for you to be at such a historical convention!! I am watching all the news channels covering the convention and anxiously waiting for Barack's speech. I wish I were there. Can't wait to hear your detailed account of this experience. I am also impressed that you have developed this blog!! Cheer loudly for all of us supporters back home. Zelda

Anonymous said...

Thank you for letting me be a part of this special week, and, more importantly, a part of history. I'm exhausted, emotionally spent, and overwhelmed when I think of the impact of it all. I'm also grateful to have shared this moment with you. Love, m

pamela said...

Yes, my sister you are truly a twenty first century woman. I love it and I love you. Dad's blog made me misty. We are blessed to have been rasied in a home with and mother and father that stand for justice, empowerment, and education. During the convention I got home as fast as I could to turn on the t.v. and see what important messages were being shared. OK, yes, I was also looking for you. When I saw Lauren and you told me you were sitting right in front of her I thought surely there would be a sighting but, it was not to be. I was so energized by Obama's speech. I can only imagine what it was like for those of you actually there.

Love Pamela-Alyse

LKV said...


I saw you in the audience, think it was the night Hillary spoke. I screamed and made my husband hit pause.
He has heard me mention you and the wonderful work you do at Casey. To see you in the audience as we make history just affirmed all of the things I've been telling him.
Let me know when you catch your breath, we've got work to do!