Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Vote Today for Change You Can Believe In

What a glorious day to be an American, with the right to vote and the opportunity to elect Senator Barack Obama as our next President of the United States.

Who will you bring to the polls today -- by holding their hand or by holding them in your heart? And then after you vote, make sure everyone you know votes too. You can find or verify your polling place at VoteForChange.com.

Let's stay in touch and share our experiences and memories of this glorious day.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Look Who's A JET Magazine Centerfold!

Yes friends, it's true! Yours truly and a couple hundred of my fellow Democratic Convention delegates are featured in the September 15 edition of JET Magazine -- pages 34-35 to be exact.

Inspired by the iconic Art Kane photograph, "A Great Day in Harlem," of jazz legends back in the 1950s, Johnson Publishing's Bryan Monroe wanted to capture the excitement of the 2008 Convention by taking a picture of many of the 1200 black delegates just a few hours before Barack Obama accepted the nomination for President.

It WAS a great day in Denver.

Copies of JET are available on newsstands nationwide. See more at: http://www.ebonyjet.com/

P.S. I'm in the very, very back row on the left side, next to my friends Lauren Dugas Glover and Lyn Farrow Collins.

Friday, August 29, 2008

August 28, 2008

This was the day to let the images and memories, high-fives, hugs and fist-bumps speak for themselves. Thanks so much for letting me share.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Day We've Been Working For!

Just a quick update before we Delegates have to be at the Pepsi Center for tonight's Convention session. The call time is 3:30 p.m. (Mountain Time).

What's so special about today? In just a few hours, the official roll call of the 2008 Democratic National Convention will be taken -- and I'll have the honor of casting my vote as an American, as Alma and Grady's and Thelma and Thad's granddaughter, and as Dorothy and Clarence's daughter -- for Barack Obama as the Democratic Nominee for President of the United States.

I'll make today's vote AND my vote on November 4 in memory of Thelma Louise Vickers, Ronald H. Brown and Congresswoman Barbara Jordan, and in honor of Dorothy Vickers-Shelley.

Who will YOU honor with your vote?


Before I get to Tuesday's big session with powerful speeches by Senator Clinton, Governor Brian Schweitzer (Montana), and a beautiful tribute to the late Ohio Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones by the Congressional Black Caucus, Ohio Governor Ted Strickland and Clinton, let me tell you more about the day.

While there's been much talk about whether/how/when/if Clinton delegates would fully endorse and embrace Senator Obama, speakers at the DNC Women's Caucus reinforced why women must support Obama come Election Day. On the 88th anniversary of women getting the right to vote, Donna Brazile reminded us that a President Obama will make much different decisions that reflect women's lives including equal pay, health care and civil rights for EVERYONE. Actresses Rosario Dawson and Eva Langoria announced their efforts to register more youth and Latinas. Ellen Malcolm of EMILY's List encouraged us to contribute financially to women and men candidates who support our issues. Unity was in the air -- you saw the signs, right?

Tonight's session began with a salute to the women in the U.S. Senate. The crowd cheered of course, but the number is still way too low. Not to mention that we still have no female senators of color in the most exclusive club in the country. By the time Chelsea Clinton came out to introduce her mom, the hall was jammed packed. Even the five folks on the CNN platform who were geared up to critique Senator Clinton's speech and declare if "Unity" or "Party Discord" would be the outcome of the night's events, turned to see a hall full of cheering delegates, or at least ones (like me) who'd been given "Hillary" signs to amplify the cheering.

I wasn't inclined to wave the Hillary sign during the speech. I felt that Senator Clinton said exactly what her audience/supporters/delegates NEEDED to hear from her. If anyone missed it, Senator Clinton said more than once that Senator Obama has her full support and she will very work hard to help elect him and Senator Biden. I hope that other Democrats listened and will take her words to heart as these next 70 days until November 4 speed by. By the end, while I was happy to cheer for Hillary's feisty and compelling remarks, I was still happy to wave my Obama fan to endorse her call for Unity.

Next Up: Schmoozing and Socializing, Convention-style.

Monday, August 25, 2008

2008 Democratic National Convention

At 3:00 p.m. (Mountain Time), the Countdown to Denver will end and the 2008 Democratic National Convention will be gaveled into session. The Maryland Delegation's met over breakfast this morning to plan our day of meetings and events.

Most important, our Delegation Co-Chairs Congressman Elijah Cummings and Governor Martin O'Malley reminded us of the significance of this moment. The Congressman challenged us to understand that electing Barack Obama is more than a campaign -- "it's a movement that's bigger than all of us." Former Senator Gary Hart of Colorado (and one of Barack's early supporters) spoke of what's at stake for working men and women, our communities and our nation as a whole. Hart said that Barack will be a "transformational president" who will have to rebuild America's industrial base, invest in education and training for the jobs of tomorrow, and restore our reputation in the world. "Barack will need all of us to do that," said Hart.
So with that charge, credentials in hand, I'm heading for the Pepsi Center. The Maryland Delegation will be in Section 116. Stay tuned!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Dear Daddy,
Thank you for your love and support all these years. You're kind, loving, generous, brilliant, sarcastic (yes people -- that's where I get it), and always motivate me to stay on my toes while reminding me to take care of myself as well. Pamela and I are so lucky to have you in our lives.

Happy Birthday to You!
Love, Dana Louise

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Countdown to Denver!

Welcome to Dana's Blog.

As I head to the Democratic National Convention -- my first as a DELEGATE -- I want to share my excitement and hear from you.

Did I mention this is not just my first blog, but my first time blogging? As Tim Gunn says I'll just have to "make it work!"
