Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Before I get to Tuesday's big session with powerful speeches by Senator Clinton, Governor Brian Schweitzer (Montana), and a beautiful tribute to the late Ohio Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones by the Congressional Black Caucus, Ohio Governor Ted Strickland and Clinton, let me tell you more about the day.

While there's been much talk about whether/how/when/if Clinton delegates would fully endorse and embrace Senator Obama, speakers at the DNC Women's Caucus reinforced why women must support Obama come Election Day. On the 88th anniversary of women getting the right to vote, Donna Brazile reminded us that a President Obama will make much different decisions that reflect women's lives including equal pay, health care and civil rights for EVERYONE. Actresses Rosario Dawson and Eva Langoria announced their efforts to register more youth and Latinas. Ellen Malcolm of EMILY's List encouraged us to contribute financially to women and men candidates who support our issues. Unity was in the air -- you saw the signs, right?

Tonight's session began with a salute to the women in the U.S. Senate. The crowd cheered of course, but the number is still way too low. Not to mention that we still have no female senators of color in the most exclusive club in the country. By the time Chelsea Clinton came out to introduce her mom, the hall was jammed packed. Even the five folks on the CNN platform who were geared up to critique Senator Clinton's speech and declare if "Unity" or "Party Discord" would be the outcome of the night's events, turned to see a hall full of cheering delegates, or at least ones (like me) who'd been given "Hillary" signs to amplify the cheering.

I wasn't inclined to wave the Hillary sign during the speech. I felt that Senator Clinton said exactly what her audience/supporters/delegates NEEDED to hear from her. If anyone missed it, Senator Clinton said more than once that Senator Obama has her full support and she will very work hard to help elect him and Senator Biden. I hope that other Democrats listened and will take her words to heart as these next 70 days until November 4 speed by. By the end, while I was happy to cheer for Hillary's feisty and compelling remarks, I was still happy to wave my Obama fan to endorse her call for Unity.

Next Up: Schmoozing and Socializing, Convention-style.

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