Monday, August 25, 2008

2008 Democratic National Convention

At 3:00 p.m. (Mountain Time), the Countdown to Denver will end and the 2008 Democratic National Convention will be gaveled into session. The Maryland Delegation's met over breakfast this morning to plan our day of meetings and events.

Most important, our Delegation Co-Chairs Congressman Elijah Cummings and Governor Martin O'Malley reminded us of the significance of this moment. The Congressman challenged us to understand that electing Barack Obama is more than a campaign -- "it's a movement that's bigger than all of us." Former Senator Gary Hart of Colorado (and one of Barack's early supporters) spoke of what's at stake for working men and women, our communities and our nation as a whole. Hart said that Barack will be a "transformational president" who will have to rebuild America's industrial base, invest in education and training for the jobs of tomorrow, and restore our reputation in the world. "Barack will need all of us to do that," said Hart.
So with that charge, credentials in hand, I'm heading for the Pepsi Center. The Maryland Delegation will be in Section 116. Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...


Michelle was amazing last night! She was poised and on message. And Teddy brought tears to my eyes.

How are things in Denver? Keep blogging.


Anonymous said...

Great opening night. Can't wait to hear Hillary. She better do the right thing tonight. Uncle Ron